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Marriage Retreat

We invite you to join us for Marriage Retreat 2025, February 21st & 22nd at Drury Plaza Hotel (St. Louis Chesterfield Location) 355 Chesterfield Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017. This year's event is co-hosted by CTK O'Fallon, Truth Church Waterloo, and Landmark Apostolic Sparta. 
Our Guest Speakers will be Dr. C. Carl & Tina Wilson from Riverside, CA. Dr. Carl is the CEO of Covenant Behavioral Health & Covenant Education Center, a California non-profit community mental health clinic, and a licensed UPCI minister. 
Deadline to sign up is January 31st.
Cost is $250 per couple (includes event registration, hotel room, refreshments, breakfast and lunch on Saturday). Payment deadline is February 14th. (Payment link will be emailed to you upon completion of this form.)
Itinerary TBA.

Register here!

February 11

Chocolate-covered Strawberry Fundraiser